Here is a small Perl script which can be useful as a Postfix queue monitor (count number of emails in Postfix queue) #!/usr/bin/env perl # postfix queue/s size # …
Author: ServerAdmin
Protect wp-login.php with .htaccess
Brute force attack aims at being the simplest kind of method to gain access to a site (wordpress or not). It combines usernames and passwords, over and over again, until …
How to clone MySQL database
Here is a way to create a duplicate of one database, with all its tables and their data Dump your source database into sql file # mysqldump -uroot -p production …
EoIP tunnel on Linux
Ethernet over IP (EoIP) Tunneling is a MikroTik RouterOS protocol (stateless and light ethernet point to point tunnel protocol with 28 bytes static overhead) that creates an Ethernet tunnel between two …
Red Hat and the CentOS join forces
This year started very nice for us… It seems that Red Hat will try to fight vs Oracle Unbreakable Linux which is very similar to CentOS project. According to press …
Slow InnoDB insert/update
If you’re migrating from MyISAM to InnoDB or you’re using MySQL 5.5.x or newer (InnoDB default engine) you’ll probably be disappointed with INSERT/UPDATE queries (with InnoDB tables). InnoDB is a …
Oracle MySQL yum repositories
If you’re using MySQL and you prefer yum and rpm, Oracle announced availability of Yum repositories for MySQL database and related products. Initial release is focused on EL6-based distros as …
FreeBSD foundation donations
The best way to help open source is to donate money… If you’re FreeBSD fun or you just want to help, please donate –
The right things on the right places
Image made by Karanbir Singh (