For RH based distros, the “setup” utility is a must. With this tool you can easily maintain basic system settings (firewall settings, network, start-up services, etc). If you choose to …
Category: Red Hat/CentOS
SSH2 extension for PHP on CentOS 6
Before we can build and install ssh2 extension, we’ll need a few packages yum install gcc php-devel php-pear libssh2 libssh2-devel makeyum install gcc php-devel php-pear libssh2 libssh2-devel make Install the …
MyDumper – CentOS HowTo
Mydumper – MySQL backup tool created by Domas Mituzas and later supported by several other devs. The main benefits are multi-threaded and fast backups with almost no locking (if not …
GNU bash Environment Variable Command Injection
You can test your server for bash command injection with [root@ss ~]# env x='() { :;}; echo vulnerable’ bash -c "echo this is a test" vulnerable this is a test[root@ss …
AN!Cluster Tutorial
Today I found something very interesting (and large)!Cluster_Tutorial_2 p.s. Please do not bother me for the next 30 days 🙂
CentOS server – NFS client/server howto
NFS stands for Network File System and through NFS, a client can read and/or write a remote share on an NFS server (like on local hard disk) The first step …
Heart Bleed Bug – OpenSSL
A massive vulnerability has been found in OpenSSL, the open-source software package broadly used to encrypt Web communications. The flaw allows attackers to steal the information that is normally protected …
Red Hat and the CentOS join forces
This year started very nice for us… It seems that Red Hat will try to fight vs Oracle Unbreakable Linux which is very similar to CentOS project. According to press …
Slow InnoDB insert/update
If you’re migrating from MyISAM to InnoDB or you’re using MySQL 5.5.x or newer (InnoDB default engine) you’ll probably be disappointed with INSERT/UPDATE queries (with InnoDB tables). InnoDB is a …
The right things on the right places
Image made by Karanbir Singh (