This morning I found the next errors inside the web server log. PHP Warning: include(DOMDocument.php) [<a href="function.include">function.include</a>]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in …… PHP Warning: …
Category: Red Hat/CentOS
MySQL Performance – Howto – part 1 (high performance tuning scripts)
Often the server admin has little control over the applications which uses MySQL and it is hard to find the bottlenecks. This blog post can’t bring the peace in the …
FreeRadius install howto (3)
In this post I will say something about FreeRadius config files, database connection, basic instruction how to insert user in database, etc. Before you step inside this post, I recommend …
kipmi0 problem
Few days ago one client called and asked about high CPU load on his Fedora server… It was very easy to detect that CPU is consumed by kipmi0 process. Unfortunately …
Neighbour table overflow – sysctl.conf tunning
If you have a big network with the hundreds of hosts you can expect “Neighbour table overflow” error which occurs in large networks when there are two many ARP requests …
Problem with apache – Address already in use… Unable to open logs
This morning I had a problem with apache. The httpd was stopped and the #service httpd restart didn’t work. Starting httpd: (98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to …
FreeRadius install howto (1)
FreeRADIUS is the most widely deployed RADIUS server in the world. It is the basis for multiple commercial offerings. It supplies the AAA needs of many Fortune-500 companies and Tier …
mcelog problem
Few servers I maintain totally confused me. The loadavg is steadily increasing every round hour. With top command I can’t see any relevant process which can produce high load. top …
YUM problem: rpmdb: Lock table is out of available locker entries
Few days ago I had a strange problem with yum and instead of clean install and update process I got Python errors and rpm message “rpmdb: Lock table is out …
Manual MySQL update on RHEL/CentOS
If you’re using RH based distros, you’ll probably notice that their habbit is to keep the same software versions in one release. For example, if you need PHP on CentOS …