I already wrote about upgrading via Jason Litka repo on this PAGE but in case you have problems with this repo, you can add Remi Collet repo. First, import Remi …
Category: Red Hat/CentOS
fsck in CentOS 5.x howto
fsck is used to check and optionally repair one or more Linux file systems. File system can be a device name (e.g. /dev/sda2), a mount point (e.g. /, /usr,… ), …
Releasing a message from a quarantine with amavisd-relase
amavisd-new is a high-performance and reliable interface between mailer (MTA) and one or more content checkers: virus scanners, and/or Mail::SpamAssassin Perl module. It is written in Perl, ensuring high reliability, …
Config mta – howto
Centos has a neat application for switching between alternative software packages, called alternatives. Few days ago I noticed that one server doesn’t send logwatch email. I wanted to see what …
RPMforge howto
The RPMforge project is an open source project that provides RPM packages for various distributions (RH, CentOS, Fedora, …). To enable RPMforge you can install the rpmforge-release package for your …
How do I check what version of Centos/Fedora/RH my server is running?
You can run the command below at a command prompt to see what version of Centos/Fedora/RH your server is running. [root@hydra:~]# cat /etc/redhat-release CentOS release 5.2 (Final)[root@hydra:~]# cat /etc/redhat-release CentOS …
Upgrading to PHP 5.2.5 on RHEL and CentOS
As you probably know, the latest CentOS and RHEL distros are available only with PHP 5.1.6 and if you want to upgrade PHP, you need to install it manually (or …